Mega Elements Return Policy

1. Return eligibility

To be eligible for a refund or exchange, you must have purchased one of the items sold on Mega Elements online store.

Our return policy lasts for 30 days after purchase and recieving the product. If more than 30 days have passed since your purchase, we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.

The item being returned must be in the same condition as you have received it. It must be unused and sent back in the original packaging. If it is not, no or only a partial refund will be granted.

The following items are non-returnable:

Gift cards
Items that are on sale

2. Return process

Once your return is received, we will notify you. The package and its content will be inspected, and we will let you know when the return is approved or rejected within 2 business days.

If the return is approved, we will send you funds equal to the purchase amount to the payment method you have used during checkout.

If you have any questions during the return process, please contact us at

3. Exchanges

If the item you’ve received is damaged or defective, we can arrange an exchange for you. 

4. Shipping

To return a product, you should send us an email at

Shipping fees for return items are your responsibility, and you must pay for them. Your order’s shipping costs are non-refundable. If you have paid for shipping in your order, these costs will be deducted from your refund.

If you’re shipping items worth over $50, please consider shipping the package using a track&trace number or purchase shipping insurance. We can’t guarantee that we will receive your item.

5. Customer service

For questions, support, problems, or warranty claims, please contact us by email at